I'm covering a lot in this one.
I've heard people say "Don't judge a book by its cover" my WHOLE life and I'm just realizing EXACTLY what they mean. See I'm on a mini vaca in New York right now and there are some people that I know that I actually hung out with that seem SO nice and SO innocent and its SO CRAZY the shit you find out from people.
See I met this girl through a X-friend of mine. I chilled with her sometimes and when it comes to boys, she very...IDK veryyyy shy I might say or protective of herself, so it seemed in my eyes. She's young though so I would assume she would be shy when older guys come and talk to her. Note: Don't assume lol. So this is what we have, Nice, Pretty, Shy, Respectable, Young Lady from the outside looking in.
I find out: She talks to almost every guy in the city, has naked pictures floatin around on EVERYBODYS cell phone, and is secretly bisexual. Which is odd because she's the type that would think thats unacceptable. Can anybody say AWKWARD?
I knew this boy since....let's see middle school maybe? Who knows who cares. He's a rude one. He thinks he's on top of the world and better than everybody who isn't his friend. I never really talked to him but when I did it was very little. I stopped liking him once he became rude to my boyfriend. I don't like people disrespecting people I love PERIOD. SO! I think about everybody that KNOWS him thinks he's gay and its not like he's just feminine he's WAY more than that. I know its uncomfortable with like coming out or whatever but if everybody knows, why not? And I'm not saying it to be an asshole even tho I am one but I'm saying....Come the fuck on now bro!! I mean I can understand if he wasn't at all but I mean posting stuff on Facebook like "snuggling in my blanket, its so warm!!! =)" or getting into a full blown out argument about Beyonce because someone dislikes her and he wanna rip heads off. On top of that a majority of his friend are gay so I mean whats the problem??? I will never understand but its about that time, I'm getting aggravated.
This one is about me =) The outside looking in, people that don't know me don't like me because someone they know don't like me. Typical. I'm an asshole to a certain extent. I'm just completely honest. Don't ask questions if you don't want the answer. Don't txt me or message me wanting to argue when you don't know facts. I base everything I say off facts. You will never hear me lie about a situation I'm in. There is always some type of drama around me, people say I'm always in something, yeah I admit I am but then again, I'm in it because people can not get over the fact that I do not LIE about shit. They wanna argue with me constantly when I KNOW the truth. But I mean I don't care I don't really stress shit until people start lying because I will fight to the death until the truth is out.
Example 1: A long time ago I wrote a blog about a bunch of people that was pissing me off. I wrote a piece about this girl Ann and how she was 2-faced for talking shit about her friend to me and my friend Karina and then going to her friend and smile in her face like she wasn't just going in on her. Now MY friend Dee Dee, me and her used to hate each other lol but we are friends now but Dee Dee read that blog and she thought I was being a bitch because she thought I was saying it for no reason. So now that me and her are friend I told her the reason WHY I said it and she was like "Oh!!!...I def did not know that" I'm not gonna make shit up and call people out if I don't have background info. I always have a reason why I say shit.
Example 2: Me and this girl Jalesa used to be friends until she decided to go down the wrong path and now I just don't like her. Anyways me n her hung out ALL summer basically and then this boy comes in her life and everything changes like shes on top of the world and oh so mighty. FAIL much? Yes Indeed. Long story short. She was fudgin up with this boy and I'm lookin out for her basically and she throws me under the bus. By giving him her phone to read the txt I was sending her. Now I been in high school and I'm def not stupid. She wanted some excitement and started drama because he came at me cursing at me and saying he's gettin this person and that person. At that point what he is sayin doesn't matter to me he's only 16 and he's from Poughkeepsie soooo yeahhhh PK has that effect on young kids. Hopefully he grows outta it before he fucks with the wrong person.
Anyways the next day he said sorry, which was odd but Jalesa didn't say shit to me. Not a sorry or anything so I'm like if anybody touches me it gonna be me and her and I was calm as ever I was just letting her no. She wrote me back and said "HAHA Are you mad?" That triggered something in me that I was gonna do something fucked up. So I did. Everything she told me about her and that boy was posted on Twitter and dedicated to her. She when she wanted to confront me about it all I was gonna say was "HAHA Are you mad?" Dose of her own medicine mkay? =) Anyways after that she wanted to cry and bitch and show her grandma, I'm sorry I'm grown I don't need her approval. By the way Jalesa is my boyfriends cousin. It's funny how he acts more mature than her.
Anyways, the night after I wrote all that and she showed her grandma I went downstairs to say happy birthday to her grandma but at that point I didn't know her grandmother knew. And from there Jalesa was trying to fight me. How Poughkeepsie is that? So basically her grandma thinks I made all that shit up, must I remind you I DO NOT LIE ABOUT SHIT. So she's mad Jalesa is in tears because shes either mad she got exposed or she cries when shes upset. So nothing happen that night and I go back upstairs. Next day she still wants to fight, like since when was she thugged out lol. So she comes upstairs argue argue argue and she hits me. How lovely, I told her I didn't want to fight her to begin with but she hit me first so I'm allowed to hit her back lol So we go outside and fight, shit was wack. For one people kept pulling us apart, 2 it was cold as fuck outside, and 3 when I wasnt done fighting she wants to leave and go i dont even no where. So then, for some reason she thinks she beat my ass....thats how you can tell someone doesn't fight alot because i dont even know why she had that thought in her head.
Anywho, that same night she came home and we had to talk it out because my boyfriends mom was upset stuff in her house was broken. Jalesa said sorry, I said sorry it was dead. Until the next day she was still going and I was planning on going to her house and fucking her up like I wanted to but that wouldve been major jail time lol Later that night my boyfriends mom goes downstairs and tell Jalesa to cut the shit. Her grandma gets mad and says if anything happens she pressing charges. Do what you gotta do lady cuz you will lose. So basically long story short, Jalesa starts shit and runs to her grandma to save her when shes sad. Mind you my family was not involved with this because if they were it wouldn't be pretty.
That made me realize who is real and who isn't. Which that said I would stay away from her because for one she's a snitch, she's unreal, and she lies. AKA Average PK bitch. So once again, I win all over again because I don't get looked down upon.
And that is my First, Second, and Third of the day =)