So, some random facts you might want to know....
-- I don't flaunt stuff I have, I see it like this, if u got it then u got it, if not then ya don't. In the end people aren't gonna remember you for the shit you have. I happen to go on Twitter on day and someone said "I can't wait til Christmas come, another reason to be more flyer than YOU" hmmm... I didn't know life was about material things and I didn't know Christmas was about recieving gifts I thought it was about the birth of Christ but you wouldn't know anything about that because you're too busy writing a book about yourself and reading it out loud so you don't forget your role as "let's pretend to be something you're not"
-- I'm a bitch some people say, I just keep it 100 all the time, I rather hurt someone else's feelings than having the title of a liar.
-- When it comes to guys, I don't sleep around, I'm 19 and only been with two guys, and BOTH of them I was in a relationship with at one time.
-- I'm not a hypocrite. When I say it I mean it and follow thru, some people can not do that. Example, This chick wanna yell at me for puttin her business on the internet like she has never done it herself. FAIL I know wtf I do and I don't deny it one bit.
-- I don't allow people to disrespect me, PERIOD.
-- I love my family even though we are all corrupted but what family isn't? In the end that's all we really have.
--I'm very independent which is weird because when I was younger everything was given to me but theres time when people need to grow up and I grew up when I was 14.
-- I handle my own shit, I don't get unnecessary people involved into my issues because if I did, it will never get solved.
-- I pretty much do as I please but I know my limits, I'm an adult, NOT a child.
-- I respect my elders, there is no reason for me to argue or yell at someones mother or father/grandmother or grandfather. That disrespectful, some people think its cute and need a good ass whoopin like they have no damn home training.....then again...they probably don't have any home training.
--I hate kids. Just wanted to state that.
-- I usually have dirt on everyone I don't like, thats why people don't bother me, and it upsets them because, I don't go and do dumb shit so people have nothing to say about me.
-- Last but not least, I have goals and I don't care who thinks I'm not doing shit or I'm not shit because regardless of what you say I'm on my shit and eventually you will probably be the ones working for me. =)

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