Love Is - Jah Cure
Yea ya no...rasta live
Universal sign of love
Love is the answer my friend
Love is the only way
Yea tru love we can find ourselves
I call our true identies
Love ya brudda love ya sista
Love everyone...the univeral sign
Ill take it from here
Love is much more to life than just words
Love is much more than choosing your love
Love is call on me brother
Love is call on me sister
Verse 1
When you love love from the heart
Cuz love is the start ...yay
Love is the answer for every question
Just ask yourself why why why
Love is the key open the door
When they're closed in your face
Love shows you the way when your lost lost
And cant find your way!
Verse 2
Love is the only thing we have to share
Dont you forget that...i hope you hear
Send him a message from you out there
I hope you get it clear..yay
Do not mistake my unmistakable sound
When ever you see my face
always a smile bontax dem frown
I love my boyfriend SOOOO much ^_^
IDC if he's mad at me smh I'm mad at you too nigga lol jk
Last Line: For the sneaker freaker Kris who threatened me and said if I don't mention him he will report my page as a fcukin virus lol. So there. Hi Kris.
i love u ^_^