Monday, January 19, 2009

She's poison.

She says she's no good
but guys are way worse right?
Easily convinced when he says
"Why don't you show me a little bit spine
You've been saving for his mattress..."
"I'm not sure..."
Then, "I only want sympathy in the form of you
Crawling into bed with me."
"...really?...okay i guess...."


She fell outta bed,
Butterfly bandage, but don't worry--
She'll never remember, her head is far too blurry.

He says he's gonna tell everybody what they did (As usual thats how it goes.)

She cries, "I'd promise you anything for another shot at life"

He states, "Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy" and leaves.

Her note to self: "Only if they knew how misery loved me : )"

(A lot of people won't understand what I'm writing but it's really not hard to understand. The girl whoever she is warns the boy she's no good and he doesn't care cuz guys are guys ya know. Some guys are dumb and don't use condoms like this one I'm talking about. She smiles at the end because she's happy he took advantage of her and she just gave him HIV. Yeah GUYS BE SAFE!!! O_O and should already know.)


  1. WOW!!!
    Deadass that Shitt iss Crazyy!
    iThouqht it was talkinq about somethinq else.
    But thiss iss ohdee]
    yuu wrote thiss yaself .?
