by the way....the title...Just something i say a lot
1 - I hate Poughkeepsie. It's just...THE WORSE. People killing with know the usual. That shit is not dont understand since when was it okay for a 15 year old to have a baby. YOU ARE NOT OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE A CHILD UNTIL YOU HAVE A CAREER!!!! NONE THE LESS....YOU CAN AFFORD ONE. Career doesn't mean a part time job or full time job at KFC. I mean college degree and you on ur shit. I understand mistakes happen but if you didn't prevent it from happening then it wasn't a mistake. UNDERSTAND?
2 - Not liking me. I understand that everybody isn't going to like me because I'm brutally honest. But then again I don't who likes me and who doesn't. I know who my friends are and I don't need anymore. The end.
3 - M.O.N? Just stop. PLEASE! Females who say M.O.N are either broke or can't find a man or both. Never in life would you hear me say that shyt. And when your like 20 and over, I'd be damned if I hear you say that shit. That means your just not going nowhere in life, just str8 Poughkeepsie for a jail sentence....I'm sayin that cuz a girl said that to me....shes like 21...has a know how pk ppl do. I thought it was funny....cuz shes not gettin money wit no job and shes not pullin no men so how does she sound.....
4 - Fast ass little girls. Need to get there asses beat. I was walking to my cousins house the other day and this little girl jus thought she was jus too BAD....I was tight cuz she looked me up and down...ARE YOU SERIOUS? I'm not a grown ass woman and I'm not in college lmao...go read a book.
5 - Kid after kid. After you have your first child at 17 why start on a second one. No college education, but stay home and talk shit on myspace and be pregnant. 99.9% of people reading this KNOW who i'm talking about. Chill all day everyday just PREGNANT. lol and got the nerve to try and talk about someone else cuz we doin something with out lives.
6 - Bi, Lesbians, Gay individuals. I have no problem with them. Are they not human? I don't like discrimination and I don't appreciate people saying they don't like a certain kind of person. You don't like gay people you can kick rocks....BAREFOOT.
7 - My relationship. Stay out of it, it's me and him not you and him or me and you. Mind your business and don't get urself embarrassed.
8 - My grammar sucks when it comes to typing. That's because I don't CARE.
9 - I'm gaining weight, yes I know and it SUCKS major..... I need to go to the gym anybody care to join???
10 - I HATE WEAVE!!!! OMG!!!! I have box braids right, they are suppose to last months. I hate them and want them out....never again. BTW I don't like when people say that weave is their real hair. You sound like a dumbass.
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