Thursday, February 25, 2010

Congratulations Casandra Marie.

I got accepted to I surprised?

Yes and No

Yes because, idk its just the feeling.


No, because I'm not a dumbass how hard can it be. DUH!!

but yeah, I was accepted to Hilbert college, waiting to get a letter from Medaille College also...because if I get accepted there too, I'm going there, fudge going to Hilbert lol

But yes now I get to rub it in peoples faces HAHA!!! IM OUT SNITCHES!!!!

I win again.

So heres what I'm gonna attempt....

I'm gonna attempt to not being such an asshole lol

I'm 19 and yeah I'm tired of the drama.

And I should be nicer to people but don't expect me to be nice and smile in your face when I don't like you. Plain and Simple.

So I'm going to stick with my REAL friends and be neutral with everyone else.

BTW for the people I don't like who still have time to read my blogs, this isn't your free card to Pass Go and Collect $200. Because I still don't like you so don't bother me.

So with that said, HI EVERYBODY!!!! ^_^

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What the FUCK!!! (Pardon My Language)

Sooooooo recently my computer has been actin like a bitch on her period. Sometimes it wants to work for me and other times its like "FYL I'm not gonna work bastard" like WHAT THE FUCK!!!

Thats why I fixed you, you piece of shiznit....smh

(Writes note: Buy a Mac Notebook ASAP!!)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good morning/afternoon/night

I feel like crap today.
And I don't think I have much to say as of right now...
Don't feel like blogging...just want to....SLEEP.


Monday, February 8, 2010

This relationship....

IDK....Have you ever felt like that in a relationship? It's been over a year yet I still cannot trust my boyfriend 100% of the way, why? Because he tends to do stuff without thinking and he feels, if it doesn't hurt him, then it shouldn't hurt me. That's just how I see it.

He was talking to another girl and told me he was trying to see if she liked him, not that it matter, it shouldn't have happened. So now its just hard to think he's innocent when all this other unnecessary shit has happened. Usually I would be at Alisha's house talking to her about it but that bish left me so yeah....BLAH.

I really hate this feeling like, I know he's up to something but then again I'm probably just paranoid, or maybe he is up to something because it is so easy for him to lie to me. Shit is ridiculous.

Would I be surprised if he cheated on me? No I most definitely won't be, because he just has that effect on me like lying so much, it would be so easy for him to do it and say "No I didn't". He's the type to say and do things on the low, and keep it from me because that's him and he will deny it for days but once your around someone for so long it gets harder and harder to lie.

He's the type to say "I didn't want to tell you because it would hurt you..." type person. Nothing should ever happen where you have to say that, point blank, period. I try and be a good girlfriend but don't expect me to be the same after he put me thru mad unnecessary shit.

I don't like talking to him because he lies and I rather him not say anything at all. He wants to make things better but he says a lot of yeah...I don't see him changing a bit. He feels like I need to change, I will change when I feel like he's not being a jerk.

I also feel like he thinks I'm dumb or something, like if he did something like....send a girl a picture and then delete it like it was never done. He does stuff like that, or drink alcohol and say it never happen, I wasn't there so it didn't happen. I tell him all the time he will never know how it feels because I wouldn't do anything like that to him and I don't understand why he would do things that would hurt me if he "loves" me so much. Sometimes I do feel like he does, other times I think he's just bullshittin.

Like tell me that you love me but tell another girl you miss her, ask her to come over, out to eat, ect.... but he loves me. Regardless of the situation, it shouldn't have been said and for that he really lost my trust. So if I have a feeling he's talking to another girl, yeah I'm gonna think it because of his dumbass choices.

Seems like I can never get someone who will keep it 100 all the time. Instead I get someone who wants to play games and fcuk around, and its not what I'm here for. I think he needs to get his shit together.

I HATE Poughkeepsie.

What's a Poughkeepsie? A gross city in upstate NY.

The girls:
Straight retarded.
Have no self respect and have sex with pretty much everybody.
Think fighting is cute, most the time its over a guy. FAIL.
Are pregnant by the age of 16.
Have sex with their friends boyfriend. Not a good look.
Have a lot of friends, who won't do shit for you if it came down to it.

The guys:
Straight retarded.
Claim they want to get out "the hood" but won't go to college.
Sell drugs because you know that's "the life"
Have sex with all the birds and then put them on blast.
Think being flashy is better than being regular and educated. FAIL.

Those are the reasons why I hate Poughkeepsie, there's more, the simple fact that its like every other year, someone I grew up with is killed over petty shit.

And every year another teen is pregnant,
And every year another minor is in jail for something SO stupid
And every year another student drops out of school.
And every year another kid decides to sell drugs.
And every year another person decides to "become" a rapper, knowing they suck.

Yet, if you're in those categories you are considered cool and "real".

With that said, you should understand why I HATE Poughkeepsie....

You question, "Why didn't she post the positive stuff about Poughkeepsie?"

There is no positive, point blank period.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

Okay so It's halftime and The Who are performing. My mom is having this "Superbowl Party" and invited her co-workers. And from a previous blog, the girl my mom had me hanging out with decided to bring herself over here. I don't really care, not feeling no type of way shes still a slore so hey, "I'm chillin' as Tiff git lite would say.

As of now, the colts are winning, which is good I guess. I'm not to excited about it or really watching it. Thats why I'm blogging now. Anyways I will update when its over. Peace.

It's Monday, Saints won. IDC

I had a bad headache after the game so I went to sleep. So last night when gross Amanda left, she said bye...idk whyyy, she doesn't like me, I don't like her. My moms other friend Rachel, shes nice, I wouldn't mind hangin' out with her because she doesn't act gross. I just can't be around someone without self respect and expect me to give them happening but shes not gonna be in my house every weekend to start trouble cuz I will lock her ass out.

But with all that said,

Superbowl was wack and Amanda is still gross.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Yes, I came across something interesting on Facebook today and made me feel the need to blog about MYSELF. So yeah its nothing REALLY important that you MUST read, but people who don't really like me or "think" they know me, should definitely read this.

Most of the time people always ask me why I do something, either if its right or wrong you will get the same answer, "I do what I want" and yes it's true to a certain extent.

If I'm not being disrespectful to people I care about then I'm gonna do what I want. For example, if I want to go to like, Cancun for spring break and my mother tells me no I cannot go because its not safe and everybody has swine flu lol.....I'm not going to go for one, she's my mother and two, I live in her house, whatever she says goes point, blank, period because she really doesn't HAVE to do anything for me at all, I'm of age to take care of myself so she could kick me out if she wanted. Now me disregarding her statement is disrespectful and believe it or not, you will not get through life being disrespectful to people you care about, people you work for, and even your teachers.

I also get, "why do you talk about people so much". I do what I want and they shouldn't care what I have to say. People are going to talk about you regardless of where your at so why get mad. That's how I feel about it, I know PLENTY of people who really dislike me but I really don't care because I know who my real friends are, I don't need people to like me, my name is not Jesus.

Another thing I get "Why are you worried about what their doing". I do what I want, I don't "worry" about people I just say whatever comes to mind its not something that I sat down and planned out. If you don't want to hear me then don't listen or don't comment.

"You wont say it to them though" Why should I have to tell someone they shoes is leanin if they KNOW their shits died. I'm positive they looked at their shoes this morning when they put them on. No need to embarrass people.

So I think I'm done writing this,

so regardless of you liking me or not, I'm gonna do me. I been doing what I do for my whole life and I'm not gonna change because YOU don't like it. Get it?